DAQSTATS ANALYSIS: Our DAQSTATS identify the key statistical positives and negatives for racing on Sunday.

DAQSTATS have identified key statistical: positives  and negatives  for today’s racing.

Whether you are a backer or a layer – you can combine the DAQSTATS below with the latest BETDAQ markets to help with your horse racing betting.

Carlisle 12-25: Rebecca Menzies is showing a profit of over £50 when backing her runners to level stakes at Carlisle, Disco Annie is 5.5.

Carlisle 1-00: Ryan Mania is showing a profit of close to £75 when backing his rides to level stakes at Carlisle, Ninetofive is 6.1.

Carlisle 1-32: Nicky Richards has an excellent long-term strike rate of 20% with his runners at Carlisle, Marown is 6.7.

Windsor: No notable positives on a Jump Card at Windsor.

Navan 12-02: Charles Byrnes has an excellent 29% strike rate with his runners at Navan, Brave Troop is 2.48.

Navan 12-35: Mark Walsh has an excellent long-term strike rate of 23% with his rides at Navan, Well Dressed is 9.8.

Carlisle 11-55: Brian Hughes is showing a loss of close to £100 when backing his rides to level stakes at Carlisle, Throatlash is 9.3.

Carlisle 2-42: Stuart Coltherd is showing a loss of close to £50 when backing his runners to level stakes at Carlisle, One For Dan is 12.0 and Whosmydaddy is 8.6.

Windsor: No notable negatives on a Jump Card at Windsor.

Navan 1-10: Gordon Elliott is showing a loss of very close to £75 when backing his runners to level stakes at Navan, Boston Beach is 10.0.

avan 1-45: Gavin Cromwell is showing a loss of over £75 when backing his runners to level stakes at Navan, Midnight It Is is 9.3 and Money Heist is 3.7.

Navan 2-20: Keith Donoghue is showing a loss of over £50 when backing his rides to level stakes at Navan, Individualiste is 2.42.

NAP: BRAVE TROOP 12-02 Navan, at around 2.48 on Betdaq Betting Exchange
LAY: MONEY HEIST 1-45 Navan, at around 3.7 on Betdaq Betting Exchange

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