DAQSTATS ANALYSIS: Our DAQSTATS identify the key statistical positives and negatives for racing on Wednesday.

DAQSTATS have identified key statistical: positives  and negatives  for today’s racing.

Whether you are a backer or a layer – you can combine the DAQSTATS below with the latest BETDAQ markets to help with your horse racing betting.

Southwell 12-30: Bryony Frost has an excellent 24% strike rate with her rides at Southwell, Eclair De Guye is 13.0.

Southwell 1-00: Harry Cobden has an excellent 27% strike rate with his rides at Southwell, Breaking Cover is 1.98.

Southwell 2-45: Ben Pauling has an impressive long-term strike rate of 19% with his runners at Southwell, Greatness Awaits is 12.5.

Newcastle 1-10: Roger Varian has an excellent long-term strike rate of 27% with his runners at Newcastle, Luna Effect is 1.52.

Newcastle 2-20: Craig Lidster is showing a profit of over £50 when backing his runners to level stakes at Newcastle, Alfa Kellenic is 4.7.

Newcastle 2-55: Alan Brown is showing a profit of very close to £100 when backing his runners to level stakes at Newcastle, Blackcurrent is 3.6.

Newcastle 3-30: Jason Hart is showing a profit of very close to £50 when backing his rides to level stakes at Newcastle, Intoxicata is 3.6.

Kempton 6-00: Roger Teal is showing a profit of over £100 when backing his runners to level stakes at Kempton, Swiss Pride is 7.6.

Kempton 6-30: George Baker is showing a profit of over £50 when backing his runners to level stakes at Kempton, Electric Avenue is 44.0.

Kempton 7-00: Eve Johnson Houghton is showing a profit of very close to £75 when backing her runners to level stakes at Newcastle, Compton Bay is 9.6.

Kempton 7-30: Lewis Edmunds is showing a profit of over £50 when backing his rides to level stakes at Kempton, No News is 3.35.

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Southwell 1-35: Dan Skelton is showing a loss of close to £50 when backing his runners to level stakes at Southwell, Lone Soldier is 7.2.

Southwell 3-20: Adam Wedge is showing a loss of over £50 when backing his rides to level stakes at Southwell, Lost In The Mist is 21.0.

Newcastle 1-45: David Thompson is showing a loss of over £50 when backing his runners to level stakes at Newcastle, Top Gun Tina is 4.2.

Newcastle 2-20: Cam Hardie is showing a loss of over £400 when backing his rides to level stakes at Newcastle, Joons Dream is 32.0.

Newcastle 3-30: Rebecca Menzies is showing a loss of over £100 when backing her runners to level stakes at Newcastle, Child Of Lir is 11.5.

Newcastle 4-05: Rowan Scott is showing a loss of very close to £100 when backing his rides to level stakes at Newcastle, Atrafan is 7.4.

Kempton 5-30: Michael Appleby is showing a loss of very close to £100 when backing his runners to level stakes at Kempton, Furnicoe is 7.0.

Kempton 6-00: Mark Loughnane is showing a loss of over £50 when backing his runners to level stakes at Newcastle, McCauley’s Tavern is 3.75.

Kempton 7-00: Hugo Palmer is showing a loss of very close to £50 when backing his runners to level stakes at Kempton, Havanarama is 6.8.

Kempton 8-00: Rossa Ryan is showing a loss of close to £50 when backing his rides to level stakes at Kempton, Wadacre Grace is 2.84.

NAP: BREAKING COVER 1-00 Southwell, at around 1.98 on Betdaq Betting Exchange
LAY: WADACRE GRACE 8-00 Kempton, at around 2.84 on Betdaq Betting Exchange

DAQMAN Mon: Fontwell NAP
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